
Vectors of Freedom

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Data by Design

Data by Design: An Interactive History of Data Visualization, 1786-1900, challenges the commonly-held belief that visualization serves as a neutral method for data’s display. In a series of five “data narratives” —chapter-length web-based texts that employ interactive visualizations in order to advance their claims— this project traces the rise of modern data visualization techniques. (Read more…)



The Floor Chart Project

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The Shape of History

originalPeabodyA project that brings together theories of speculative design with original archival research in order to ask how forgotten histories of data visualization can help us to imagine new forms and platforms for data’s display. (Read more…)



TOME: Interactive TOpic Model and MEtadata Visualization

for_dhTOME is a tool to support the interactive exploration and visualization of text-based archives, developed in collaboration with Jacob Eisenstein, Assistant Professor of Interactive Computing, and supported by a Digital Humanities Startup Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Drawing upon the technique of topic modeling—a computational method for identifying themes in a document collection—our tool allows humanities scholars to trace the evolution and circulation of these themes across printing networks and over time. (Read more…)

Workshop: Digital Humanities + Design

Digital Humanities + Design, a workshop held at Georgia Tech in April 2017, brought together over 100 participants to explore these increasingly convergent fields, and to identify additional possibilities for their intersection. The multi-format event explored topics including the role of practice (and other applied forms of research) in each field; the similarities and differences between each field’s design processes; theories of speculation as they have been developed through the humanities and design; and how these two fields, together, might rally to address pressing matters of social and political concern.Co-organized with Carl DiSalvo (Georgia Tech, Digital Media). (Read more…)

Workshop: Humanities Data Visualization

Humanities Data Visualization, a workshop held at Georgia Tech in March 2016, brought together leading humanities scholars with visualization designers and researchers to explore a range of meanings of humanities “data,” and to prototype new methods for their visual display. The goal was to encourage these otherwise unlikely collaborators to imagine new forms and platforms capable of portraying the humanistic dimensions of culturally significant data. Co-organized with Yanni Loukissas (Georgia Tech, Digital Media) and Carl DiSalvo (Georgia Tech, Digital Media). (Read more…)

Repairing William Playfair

fosterThis project began with a simple idea: to digitally recreate some of the iconic charts of William Playfair, the eighteenth data visualization pioneer. Our premise was that, by remaking these charts, we’d come to see Playfair’s designs, as well as their underlying concepts, in a new light. But by remaining equally attentive to the difficulties we encountered as we attempted to recreate the charts, we also hoped to learn about the conceptual assumptions that underlie visualization tools today. (Read More…)

Visualizing the Papers of Thomas Jefferson

figure3An ongoing series of projects designed to reframe the contents and significance of the 30,000 documents contained within the Papers of Thomas Jefferson Digital Edition, with the support of the Rotunda Press of the University of Virginia. (Read more…)


Science Fiction Fanzine Archive

Screen Shot 2014-07-23 at 6.23.25 PMSince 2012, students in LMC 3314, a course on archives and materiality, have been working in consultation with the staff of GT Archives to create a public-facing digital archive of fanzines from the Bud Foote Science Fiction Collection here at Georgia Tech. (Read more…)